ok, it's January 3th and I'm gonna try to make a new year resolution for 2014
looking back at my last year resolutions:
- of course, being grateful all the time (this is the most important right?) > i still do right now
- spend more time with family > even 2013 our family did fight a lot, it's okay
- good score pleaseeeee > still waiting for the last semester's result
- always be HAPPY. less tears. always smile > still a crybaby :'(
- Fall in love, hopefully i can find my Mr. Right this year > i do fall in love but still i think he's not my mr right (yet)
- keep writing on my blog, and sometimes on my diary > 18 post on my blog and just a few pages on my diary
- READ MORE GOOD BOOKS (*i promised myself) > YESSSSS
- be a good friend, make more friends > kind a
- learn how to cook and bake > hahaha yeah progressing
- lose weight, please please! > nope, not yet skinny
- Love a little harder/Hate a little less > ♡ ♬
- keep earning some money, then save it do NOT spend it. remember that! > saving some :)
- still want to learn something new, photography maybe ;) > nope, not photography. scrap-booking yeahhh
- eat healthier, i'll continue this no soda thing! and less coffee (i looove coffee) > no soda for 2 years baby!
- polaroid camera, that's a must! > not in my wishlist anymore :)
- Keep supporting David Archuleta > absolutely
- MORE nail Polishes and learn makeups > enough with nail polishes (i had 50 bottles ++)
- few more new high heels ;$ > MOREEEE
so, i think i need to add a few more things from my last year resolutions. so here are this year resolutions:
- Go to church more often. be more thankful
- Be happy. less tears (stop that weekly tears. doh)
- more quality time with family
- Good score!
- where are you Mr. right?
- Love a little harder/Hate a little less
- try to blog at least once a month, few more pages on diary
- remember. if you can do/give 10 things, why just do/give 5?
- still want to learn something new
- New gadget maybe ;)
- I'm tired to note this but, lose weight, please! at least find the right motivation
- Earning some money, Saving more
- eat healthier, no soda for 3 years! and less coffee, once a month maybe ;)
- few more new high heels
- keeping my friends close
- waiting for David archuleta back to music this year, it's finally 2014 YEEEEY!

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