Friday, March 29, 2013


maybe, you are wondering, what is LKMM-TD or LKMM-TM?
it's a kind of leadership training or a "camp". remember i joined LKMM-TD XXI last year?
haha. after LKMM-TD i can join the next level of that training LKMM-TM this year ;)
and i join LKMM-TD XXII as a crew :)
here are some happy moments. a new family LKMM-TD XXII crew "The Action Generation"

LKMM-TM 8-11 march 2013 at Ubaya Training Center:

ayas, evan, and me
girls: carol, feby, pj, toyaa, anne, and me
me and evan B)
TAG crew who join TM ;D
teman saat teduh :)
me and ayaaas *hugs*

last day! LKMM-TM participants *candid*

and now, The Action Generation of LKMM-TD XXII 
12, 15-17 march 2013 at Sasana Krida Jati Jejer:

event division: lauren, cecil, fili, me, and carol
me, ayas, ando, and grace
ce angeline and me
TAG crew ♥
all LKMM-TD XXII participants and crew :D can you find me?
 having such a nice experience and a lot of happiness to share with all of you guys, thank youuuu
it's a awesome month for me!

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