Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Birthday RYAN 'Bulu'

and again today is my friend's birthday, so we had a lil surprise for him too
 bought him a cake and sing him 'happy birthday'!

 birthday boy!

melan, BULU, lily, me, livia and bowo

bulu and me!

 even having our silly photos from my laptop web cam! 

awww! <3

then later, lily melan and me go to a basketball court near our campus to watch BOM's basketball match between our major Business Management and IBM (International Business Management), plus of course to support davin, he's one of Business Management team!! WOOHOO

awwww! jay chow hahahha
BUT IBM's team did not come so we WIN without any match *disappointed
okay because we are too lazy or maybe to embarrassed to get out of our car which was parked right in front of the basketball court so we just watch from there and took pictures of manbis team's practice match

ijo? lol :p

and today davin got 3 of us as his cheerleader(?) LOL
finally get out of our car just for taking picture with jay chow davin :)

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