yesterday, there was a blood donating event in my university..
i've seen the poster about 2 weeks ago, and since that time i dared myself to participate.
here's the poster!
honestly i'm afraid of a spike/ needles, but i don't know how. i still want to donate my blood so bad.
so, yesterday i came to the event and registered my id since it's my first time. they ask me to fill a form which is printed in a blue paper. then after i answered some questions they test my blood type.
i already know that i have a O blood type, but when they ask me its + or -, i said i don't know.
AND here it is, they took 3 drops from my middle finger and put it on a rectangle glass then put 3 kind of liquids on every drops. i saw she did that to my friend who came earlier and the result immediately known. but not for me, she was not sure so then she took 3 more drops and test it again. she did this 3 times and still not sure, i got a lil confused and ask, "what's wrong?" she said sorry and test it once again, this time she ask her friend "it's negative right?" that time, i had no idea what negative means. then she explain that i have a rare O rhesus negative blood type and i didn't allowed to donate regularly but if there is someone who need it they'll contact me. my friend tell me that it's usually a western/European who have a O rhesus negative blood type. and it's rare for Asian.
then finally i can donate my blood, it's okay since it was my first time. it's not like what i tough, i even can't feel the needle, and it did not hurt at all! lol
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got this! <3 |
ok, that day what's in my head was "i have a O rhesus negative blood type, it's rare, and it's super cool! "
the day continue with the inauguration for the head of every student activities unit (UKM), and yesterday i'm officially became the head of decoration student activities unit (it doesn' feel right in English).
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my beloved team (without adit, gisa, melina, and defan) ce karen, ce omi, alvin, me, melan, max |
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ce hyun ji kim and me! |
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my super kabid and kadep (ko babi and ce nila)! <3 |
still not over yet, when i got home i searched in the internet about my blood type! lol
super curious! and SUPER SHOCK
read these articles that i found!
Blood types – general facts from negative blood type – basic information
The honored members of this blood type group can be donors to all other groups mentioned above. One interesting fact is that in the red blood cells of this particular blood type you will not find antigens. Another important fact is that, due to the absence of Rh factor, type O negative is known to be more “sociable” with otherThose persons who are of type O negative can without any danger and constraint donate their blood to the following blood groups – A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and also O-. Unfortunately these persons can only be donated the O- blood type. This specific blood type has also been, and still is, the number one choice in case there is a need for an emergency, accidents and baby/infant blood transfusion. types.
BLOOD GROUPS – General Overview from
The highest concentration of RH negative blood occurs in the Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern France, and in the Eastern/Oriental Jews. Only 15% of the entire world´s population is known to have the RH negative blood factor. While it is known that RH negative blood – (type ‘O’) is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative factor originates, as it is generally theorized by evolutionists that there is an unbroken bloodline from early human prototypes (pre-humans) to present day human beings.
Blood type ‘O’ is the most common of the blood groups. When we separate the ‘O’ types into ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ we find that ‘O’ negative (the universal donor blood) constitutes less than 7% of the world´s population. Science at this very time is attempting to create a synthetic RH negative ‘O’ blood, but without success. For while the protein in positive blood can be cloned, that of negative blood cannot – which is quite interesting, and may be indicative of an alien origin, or more probable, from early genetic experimentation during previous advanced human civilization(s).
and this is from
Blood Group (Rh) Incompatibility:
Rh incompatibility occurs when the mother's blood type is Rh negative and her fetus's blood type is Rh positive. An alternative name is Rh disease. Rh is an abbreviation for Rhesus.What Is It?:Everyone is born with a certain blood type that is either Rh positive or Rh negative. Rh-positive blood is more common than Rh-negative blood. About 85% of Caucasians are Rh positive, while the percentage is even higher for African-Americans, Asians, and American Indians. If you are Rh positive, or if both you and the baby's father are Rh negative, there is no reason to worry about Rh incompatibility. However, if you are Rh negative and the baby's father is Rh positive, then your baby may inherit the father's blood type, creating incompatibility between you and the fetus.
With Rh incompatibility, if some of the fetal blood gets into your bloodstream, your body will produce antibodies. These antibodies could pass back through the placenta and harm the developing baby's red blood cells, causing very mild to very serious anemia in the fetus. Your first baby is usually safe, because fetal and maternal blood usually do not mix until delivery. If your second baby is also Rh positive, there’s a risk that your antibodies will attack her blood cells and cause problem
I'M AFRAID! really! still can't believe this!
but i have God. my mighty God, please bless me..
i believe in HIM
so i shouldn't worry
i know this a super random post! but i just want to share it, that's all :)
i just thinking to registered myself in some rhesus negative community
such as @rhnegativeID or
sorry for this long post, and THANK YOU ;*